Approving unapproved bathrooms and plumbing in Canberra

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In Canberra, all plumbing work has to be approved by the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA). If plumbing work has been done and not approved, particularly plumbing fixtures moved to another location, it is likely to get picked up in the building report when you go to sell your house, often driving down the total sale price by 10 to 25k per bathroom (as advised to me by a local real-estate agent).

When it comes to selling your house approving an unapproved bathroom, kitchen or laundry is vital if you want to get top dollar on the sale. 

Getting an unapproved bathroom approved has to follow this process.

Step 1: We attend and complete an onsite assessment to see if the existing installation is compliant with the current plumbing standards. At the time of writing this blog post (December 2017) the cost to complete an initial onsite assessment is $350. At the end of the initial assessment we would provide you with a quote for the remaining work.

Step 1-1: Pending on the installation we may require further investigation where we would invite an ACT Inspector for advice or to see the condition of the existing plumbing such as a sewer camera inspection which would be additional cost and can be estimated at the initial inspection.

Step 2: (If required) – Complete any additional work that was identified in step 1 to bring the installation up to the current day standard.

Step 3: Test Drains and have drainage plans designed and submit to ACTPLA

Step 4: Once we satisfied that the job has been completed to a tradesman like standard and in accordance with the Australian Standards/Plumbing code of Australia we would take out a plumbing permit under our company license

Step 5: Book and attend a final Inspection and issue a Certificate of compliance.

If you would like to proceed with Step 1, Book with the online form and save 10% off the service call fee

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