At Water Tight Canberra, we know that most people don’t plan for a collapsed sewer pipe, burst hot water system or a ducted heater replacement, and yet when these issues arise having them repaired in a timely manner is vital for the home to continue to be used as we have come to expect. When the thought of these maintenance items occurring hasn’t crossed your mind, planning for these event’s is impossible.
Water Tight Canberra are partnered with Brighte and offer interest-free repayments on all work completed with us for customers that have been pre-approved by Brighte and have an active account with enough credit for the total project.
Customers requesting to pay via Brighte need to go through a quick and easy application process prior to proceeding with anywork. Only approved customers can proceed under this method.
To find out more about Brighte financing options please call our office and ask to speak to Emma, our Brighte specialist.