Online security is a must for all businesses operating in this day and age in order to protect their customers and employees personal data.
Water Tight Canberra where recently identified by Telstra Business Intelligence as being an exemplary business when it comes to online security due to our knowledge, system’s and practices that help keep us, and our customers, secure.
As referenced in the report,
Tom Martin, the owner of Water Tight Canberra, realised that if he was going to rely on digital tools – like electronic job quotes – and store customer emails and company financial data, he needed to make online security a priority. “As we continued to implement new technology, we knew we needed to stay protected with straightforward and effective online security measures.”
The business conducted its own research and consulted an expert to evaluate its online security. “We dedicated time to learn about online security. It’s actually simple to put in steps like two-step authentication, anti-virus software and HTTPS encryption. It takes a minute, but it keeps things much more secure,” says Tom. Things like security training for new employees, securely storing customer data, having a mobile device management strategy and using a password management system are some of the essentials they’ve adopted.
Online security must be a priority for everyone in the business – from the administration team to each of its plumbers in the field – for it to be effective.
By using cloud-based programs to store documents and data securely, the business operates with up-to-date applications. And at regular meetings, staff check and update their own software and phone applications. “This ensures the not-so-tech-savvy plumbers can get support from the younger generation, if they need it.” These measures – along with an incident response plan – give Tom peace of mind that if an attack were to occur the effects would be minimal. “All of our data is recoverable.” “You’ve got to remember that using tech in the first place is saving you a hundred times in terms of efficiency. The slight inconvenience of making sure you’re doing it securely is tiny in comparison to what it could be saving you.”
Download your copy of the Telstra Business Intelligence 2020 – Managing online risks via the link below