Water Tight Blog

Why use a licensed plumber for testing leaking showers

Water Tight Canberra plumber testing water pressure from the shower

There are so many possibilities as to where the leak is coming from when it comes to a leaking shower.

It could be the

  • cold water supply – (repaired by plumbers)
  • hot water supply – (repaired by plumbers)
  • a leaking spindle- (repaired by plumbers)
  • the breech pipework leaking (Between the spindles and the rose) – (repaired by plumbers)
  • The waste pipe leaking – (repaired by plumbers)
  • the water proofing membrane, – (repaired by waterproofers / tilers)
  • the shower screen leaking, – (repaired by shower screen installers)
  • a bath installed incorrectly or – (repaired by plumbers/builders)
  • Occasionally it’s not even the shower but a toilet that’s nearby or any number of things. – (repaired by plumbers)

Every one of these potential issues should be thoroughly tested prior to any repair action being taken. Failing to-do so is likely to result in further work being done, repairs dragging out over a longer period of time and additional water damage.

Why use a licensed plumber to identify a leaking shower?

Out of the above list a licensed plumber is the only tradesman legally allowed to test all 9 of the possible causes.

What’s covered by insurance –

Disclaimer – I certainly don’t claim to be an expert at insurance, or to know your personal insurance policy so this advice is general only based on previous jobs we have been employed on, and you should speak to your insurer about your personal policy details. If employing Water Tight Canberra the home owner or person booking the job is liable for 100% of our invoice unless otherwise agreed in writing with Water Tight Canberra management and the insuring company.

Generally speaking, from the many leaking showers we have repaired, the insurer will cover the cost of identifying the leak providing it is a burst or broken pipe, repairing the damage that the leak has caused and repairing the damage caused in order to find the leak, whilst the building owner is responsible for the repair of the leak its self. If the leak is a pipe in the wall the repair work is normally about 30 minutes after it has been located and will require up to $100 in material.

When should I get someone to look at my leaking shower?

ASAP – Water is one of the most erosive force on earth, look at the Grand Canyon, and the longer the leak is left the more damage that is going to be caused and the worse the leak will get. Aside from this ignoring a leak can cause hazardous mold growth under carpets and can invite termites as these damp timber conditions provide the ideal environment for these little critters.

What’s the first step?

Have a licensed plumber come out and identify the cause of your leaking shower. Make sure your plumber has experience with testing and are happy to provide you with a detailed report when they are finished.

If you’re after a reliable plumber in Canberra or Queanbeyan use our online job booking form to save 10% off the service call fee.

Need a termite inspection? Speak to the experts at Surety Property and arrange for an inspection today.

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